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Reputation Management

1. Decide what you want to track


What are the primary ‘keywords’ relating to your company that you want to track in online conversations? These are likely to include:


  • Company name

  • Company website address

  • Names of products

  • Names of senior employees and Directors

  • Names of close competitors

  • Common expressions – e.g. “[Company] is rubbish”, “company is great”


2. Set up accounts with free social media monitoring tools


There are hundreds of tools available. We have listed a few of the most popular ones here:


3.  Set up your alerts and searches


You then need to run regular searches, or better still, set up alerts or RSS feeds that notify you when your keywords are mentioned. This works best when you have an RSS reader or homepage where you can aggregate all of this information, to make it easier to read and review. We recommend setting up an iGoogle( or Netvibes ( homepage to display your feeds and alerts.


4. Set up your own social media accounts


When you’re alerted to a comment about your company, you need to be in a position to respond quickly. The beauty of many of the paid monitoring services is that they provide both the interface (homepage) for your feeds and the ability to respond directly to comments from that same interface. If you’re doing it for free, you need to set up accounts on all the key social media platforms, including: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr and any industry-specific or consumer forums where people are likely to talk about your company.


5. Engage


How you respond to comments and posts people make is up to you, but there are certain rules of thumb:


  • Act quickly – the beauty of social media is it’s real-time. You can snub out misconceptions and fix problems instantly through a quick, smart reply. Never expect things to go away. Blog posts and forum comments linger in search engine results forever, so you need to make sure your viewpoint is there too.

  • Be nice – you really want to avoid getting angry or making threats. Try and reason with detractors and understand where they are coming from. By showing that you’re listening, you’ll win respect and support from others.

  • Be pro-active – when discussions arise that relate to your industry, get involved nice and early with your perspective. This encourages promoters to back you and takes the wind out of detractors’ sails.


We hope this is a useful summary. 

Fact: 75% of online users are more likely to click on a negative search result than on a positive one. Because of social media, it is now easy for everyone to spread negative content. How can you protect your name, your business, and your reputation?


Rankur is a tool for monitoring, measurement and management of your reputation online. Rankur helps you identify leads and opinion leaders, lets you engage with online communities and tracks your success. Protect your most valuable asset – your reputation with us. Sign up for free and get your brand or personal name’s reputation analysis in a minute.


Our white label plan lets you brand the software with your URL, logo, contact info and corporate design. You obtain a reputation management portal to collaborate with your clients and team mates. Rankur is an integrated solution for online listening, campaign management and team workflow.

Rankur monitors online reviews, blogs, news, forums and social networks. Our tool performs text analysis and extracts sentiment, as well as opinions. It measures the quantity and quality of the conversations, analyzes the demographic profile of the audience, gives you the possibility to manage your social profiles and perform you campaign from within our engagement calendar. Rankur also offers identification of community leaders and facilitates the analysis of your customers’ behavior and engagement.


Monitoring and managing your online reputation is vital for your offline reputation. Rankur protects your brand, personal name, CEO’s name and improves your overall performance on the web. Sign up for free and start monitoring your most valuable asset now!

Check out our white label options to improve your brand identity and offer unique services to your clients.

Online Reputation Management

Social Media


Reputation Management

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